- 26 -
Part 2
Look into your heart you will find,
There's nothing to hide.
Take me as I am, and I'll take you for you.
My all I would give, I would sacrifice for you.
Gaze into my eyes you will see,
See what you mean to me.
Search your heart, Search your soul,
And when you find me there you'll search no more.
~My poem inspired by the song "I do it for you" by Bryan Adams
"That was too harsh, ChiChi."
She shot him a fuming glare as she stood there in between the kitchen and the living room before snapping at him with a backward wave of her hand, "Then why don't you go, run after her and comfort her, Goku? You're very good at that."
Goku stared at his wife as she jerked her head away, foot tapping with agitation and arms crossed with that furious look of hers, a look that made her appear far older than she was as it creased her pretty face with premature wrinkles. His own face was set with a seriousness that was odd on him and may have made her uncomfortable -if not for the fact that she was livid. Beyond livid really. One could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. Steam that rose above her head in an ominous dark cloud complete with its own lightning bolts, flashing every-so-often as if to warn all to her dangerous mood.
His lips twitched slightly as he pictured that, and he forced himself to stare at something else as he drove that mental image from his head. Right now wasn't really a good time to find amusement in such things, but he was tired of all this tension he felt. Just because he had a serious side didn't mean he wanted to be like that all the time... having a sense of humor was also a huge part of him. Did it have to be either or? He found himself staring at his hands as they gripped the chair at the kitchen table, listening to the irritating drip, dripping of the leaking sink faucet. The only sound in the room besides their breathing and her sharp foot taps on the hardwood floor.
Before him on the table, set to perfection that generally characterized everything Bulma did, was a romantic meal meant for two. Steaming meatloaf. Baked potatoes. Broccoli. The smell was amazing and yet he felt no desire to eat it. And now it remained there, a meal soured by good intentions gone astray. Bulma, why did you have to go and do this?
He sighed, wanting to forget it all as he took in his worn hands, rough from working around the house and his years of fighting. Calloused was a good word to describe them. There were a few scars as well. The biggest one was a whimsical one on his left hand. Not a normal gash but one that seemed to have no real pattern or reason. He couldn't recall just then where he had gotten that scar, only that he knew the event had been some random pointless injury.
Why couldn't this be as simple as his household chores or those fights that gained him these worn hands?
He knew that this was one of those lessons he had yet to learn completely: How to solve issues where a mere fist could not. He hadn't ever been good with overly emotional stuff. Obviously. Perhaps that was a Saiyan thing? Who knew? He couldn't (and wouldn't) blame this on what his race was. He couldn't hide from it anymore. And Bulma had been right. He should have dealt with this a long time ago, before things had escalated.
At the thought of his sister and best friend, he let go of the chair, crossed his arms and started to pace, matching the leaking faucet's drips with each step. He understood why Bulma had done this. She felt responsible for some of his -he glanced at his wife- correction, their woes. He may not like it, but it was her. He could not fault her. Not when he let his life get this way to begin with. Part of him wanted to chase after her, tell her everything wasn't her fault and counter everything ChiChi had said in her moment of blind rage.
But some of it was true.
Bulma couldn't help but get involved in things she had no real reason to be involved in. It was another thing that was just... her. She couldn't help herself. Any issue or problem was like an equation she had to solve. Again he could not fault her for that. Bulma's personality was something ChiChi simply hadn't gotten used to yet. That didn't mean Bulma made everything about herself. It may seem like that to an outsider, but she really was only trying to help. But none of that meant he would or even should rush after her. He cared about Bulma, but ChiChi was his wife and he had to look out for her well-being first and foremost before dealing with his best friend. As it should be. He stopped moving. His eyes fell back on ChiChi, decision made, and met the gaze that had been watching him pace like a shrewd hawk.
He unfolded his arms and took a step towards her. "Look, ChiChi." He winced at how harsh his tone sounded, but that couldn't be helped. "You are my wife and you and Gohan mean the world to me. I would never put her over the two of you."
Drip, drip, drip.
The faucet interrupted him and he frowned, tensing as he paused, collecting himself before continuing, walking towards her, "But that doesn't mean I'm going to stay away from her just because you're unable to look past some views you formed when we were younger."
With each word he found her face become more contorted with anger, putting him further on edge and irritated, walking up to her until he was looming before her, teeth clenched and knuckles white at his sides. Why couldn't she pause every now and then, take a break and really look at things around her instead of seeing what she wanted to? It was always drama with her.
ChiChi back stepped, a small sliver of fear going down her spine, not used to seeing her Goku so dominating. The fear, however, didn't stop her from speaking her mind, "Oh, views when we were younger? Really Goku?" She hugged herself tightly, feeling her hackles rise in defense. "You're making me sound like I-I... like I'm insecure and-and jealous! Do you think so little of me? Think I'm so small minded?" She felt her face heat, and knew that she was on the verge of tears, but she refused to cry. She would not cry, Kami, she wouldn't!
The faucet sputtered almost in response to her anger and he growled out in frustration. Shaking his head, and forcing himself to back off to the side, he walked behind the couch to put some needed distance between them and finally replied, "I didn't say that, ChiChi. Stop it. Stop putting words in my mouth."
"What then, tell me what I'm supposed to think, Goku?" Those whispering voices hovered in her ears, warning of all the things that could go wrong and reminded her of all the things that already had.
He may not be chasing after Bulma, but that meant nothing, nothing! Sure, he said she meant more to him, but where was the proof? Ever since she had been in this Kami-forsaken house with people she didn't know or even like (never mind the fact that she was starting to...), she hadn't felt that spark of connection with him. He was a stranger to her. Why wouldn't she be apprehensive about anything that came from his mouth? For all this time he had been lying to her. Okay, maybe not lying, only telling half truths, but the voices in her head wouldn't listen.
Goku gritted his teeth as he stopped with his back to her, looking at a shelf on the wall that contained family pictures of the Briefs, a good number containing him as well. With all the recent action, he found that his blood almost sang with the urge to fight... making his emotions heighten to unbearable peaks. Was this why Saiyans decided to be emotionless? Because whatever this bloodlust was made them crazy and any emotion would only make it worse? If that were the case, he understood why the Saiyans would try and limit themselves -he was having a horrid time controlling his emotions right now, and he hated feeling so out of control of himself. What he wouldn't give for Bardock to be up so they could train. He had only gotten to train for a few hours with Piccolo earlier, and his blood was pumping again, wanting more.
"Are you going to answer me, or continue to ignore me?" ChiChi screeched, breaking the prolonged silence -well, other than the ever dripping faucet. He cringed.
"Just- just let me think." She continued ranting however, and he closed his eyes wishing she would just... stop.
Goku took a deep breath in and out before opening his eyes again. He found that the dripping sound was more of a comfort than an irritant now as he focused on it rather than his wife's ranting. Taking in the row of pictures once more, his gaze settled on one picture in particular, that time they went to Dreamland amusement park.
Bulma was in a bright red tube-top, brown shorts and those silly air-bike gloves and boots she had loved so much. Long blue hair swept up in that ridiculous half up-half down do, complete with its side ponytail. It was hard not to remember that day. He had returned to pick up the dragonball radar he had forgotten on his way to Master Roshi's only for Bulma to decide that they all should have some fun since she was playing hooky from school and all. He brought his hand up, gently touching the glass of the picture. He had been rather naive back then and hadn't noticed her other reasons, but now he understood that she wanted time with him... and with Yamcha... before she decided what she would do with her boyfriend. Goku couldn't recall what she was upset about, but then when there were so many instances where those two fought, not recalling wasn't much of a surprise. They tended to blur together. He could understand now why there had been so many fights. Keeping a working relationship was hard and both of them were far too childish to really make something so selfless work.
The picture was taken right before that woman from the Red Ribbon Army distracted Yamcha (by flirting with him) and all hell had broken loose, ending up with their dragonball being stolen, Bulma breaking up with Yamcha again, and Goku and Bulma zooming off on Nimbus after the blonde woman to get the dragonball back. Goku had managed to talk Bulma into getting him cotton candy and he had taken the um... liberty... of making his own. Goku crossed his arms as he tried not to smirk at his younger self. The pink fluff was humorously huge, twice the size of his head really, as he sat on the picnic table with it held before him like it was the greatest thing in the world. He had hardly noticed when some random stranger walked by asking if Bulma and he wanted their picture taken and she said sure before putting her arm around him and gave her trademark peace sign, while her other hand tried to steal some of the pink fluff. Something he had noticed just a few seconds before the camera flashed and his eyes were glued to her offending hand, his face caught between a smile and a frown.
Drip, drip-drip, drip.
The sound pulled him out of his wandering thoughts, making him focus back on the issue he had been thinking of before. Yup, he had been naive back then, and part of him wished he still was. He wouldn't have all this responsibility to worry about. He wouldn't be in the mess he now was in with his wife. Not if he had really been as dimwitted as he acted all these years. They could all go on with their lives, forever happy and cheerful. Reality sucked.
"...with her!" ChiChi's fuming high-pitched voice made him flinch as she shattered his tranquil thoughts. "Goku, are you even listening to me?"
He shrugged. Why bother to deny it? "No, I wasn't."
"Oh no, you were- Wait, what?"
"I wasn't listening to you..." Uncrossing his arms, he turned to face her, still frustrated and furious, his emotions plainly written on his face. "I don't want to say something or do anything that I know I'll regret later. But you are making that difficult, ChiChi. You're... you're so dramatic."
"I'm making it difficult? Dramatic? Me?"
Her face grew even redder, if that was at all possible as the thoughts in her head and voices turned into a viper in the pit of her stomach. Constricting there and moving around. She was starting to feel ill. So the truth finally comes out, his real views of me. She couldn't believe it. After everything they had been through? And he thought she was a drama queen who couldn't think of anything but herself?
Her anger spiked as she lashed at him verbally, "H-How dare you! I've been nothing but the best wife I could be. I cooked for you, I picked up after you and your messes. What did I get? Nothing!" Hurt angry tears started streaking down her cheeks as the viper struck up at her heart, spreading the poisonous thoughts and feelings through her. "All I want is you to be honest with me. I want you to be Mine. And. Only. Mine."
She stomped over to him and glared up at him daringly, seeing as his need to punch something visibly showed on his face. Her possessiveness, however, was starting to awaken something in Goku. Something he was starting to recognize as purely Saiyan. His Nature.
As she spoke her fists lashed out, pounding into his chest, "I want you to love me as a husband should. I want you to respect me. And... I want to be your best friend." As her fists pounded, he jerked with each one, not from the impact, but just from how tense he already was. He didn't think he could squeeze his fist any tighter without breaking skin. "I'm tired of you telling me that she is that, Goku! I-I'm supposed to be that..." She started sobbing, irked at herself for being so weak, but it hurt. It really did. These nasty thoughts lashing out at her, making her soul cry out as the vipers poison spread through her veins. "I thought... I thought that we were best friends, and then you show this man I've never seen before. Why?" Her pounding fists slowed, until they came to a stop and she cried with her head bent, hair draping before her face. "I thought you were my best friend. My love... I... I..."
She went to turn, wanting nothing more than to flee, crawl in to her bed and give into the poison leaching into every one of her cells. Maybe if she remained locked in her room, withered away and died, he would truly understand what she was going through. Feel guilty about lying to her. Kami, she hadn't had such thoughts since that dreaded day so long ago...
She never finished her turn as halfway through Goku grabbed her arm, twirled her to face him and brought his lips down to hers, kissing her. Forcefully. Passionately. At first her mind froze, unsure of what had happened, what was happening to her at that very moment. Then she lost herself to the heat and demands of his kiss, grabbing his shirt, reacting just as passionately back. The viper's poison turned into another kind of monster and lusted rage overtook the self pity from before.
All their emotions were laid bare before each other as his tongue brushed her lips needing to deepen the kiss. ChiChi not only opened her mouth for him at his entreaty, but pushed her way into his, claiming it in such a possessive fiery way that it heated his blood to a drunken boil as it roared through his veins. Both became unhindered and unafraid as the kiss blazed into something more than a simple peck. She could feel his frustration, his bloodlust, and pain. A pain that resounded with her own. He could also feel her hurt, her sadness, and rage. All of it making a firestorm of feeling and emotion that threatened to consume them whole.
Goku was taken aback when ChiChi broke her mouth from his, and pushed him into the wall to the right of them, just before the stairs that led up to the elder Briefs' wing. His back thumped roughly against the off-white wall, the pictures that hung beside him rattling from the impact. With the moment of silence the dripping sound came back to his attention momentarily distracting him from the passionate cocoon him and ChiChi had wrapped themselves into. Was it him or had the faucet started dripping faster?
ChiChi glared at him, panting heavily before she stalked up to him, grabbing his gi, and yanking him down to her so she could start kissing him again and making him forget about anything and everything -even that damned faucet. His startled grunt turned into a low growl, rumbling in his chest as he fought her for dominance.
This was why he loved her. Yes, she was dramatic. Yes, she was a little crazy at times. But other than Bulma she was the only woman who would ever dare to dominate him and was so passionate in everything she did. And she was the only one who could one up him with her own strength. She was strong in her own right. The strongest woman on Earth, in fact, and it was something he was quite proud of. Kami! It felt like ages since he had touched her, those definite feminine curves that still held the muscle of a warrior beneath. His warrior woman.
His hands traveled down her sides slowly, taking his time to explore her as they greedily consumed each other's mouth and stole much needed air. Then his hands went up her back and pressed her closer to him needing to feel her curves melt into him, around him. And that scent! That rich earthy scent that was strictly hers. It made that animal in him roar with desire. He cared for his friend, but it took this division with his wife to truly understand how much she affected him. Bardock had told him a little about the bonding thing... his nature had chosen ChiChi. No one else. She was his. He was hers. His blood sang. A sweet siren that called out, wanting a release for this pent up frustration and tension. He was tired of there being this gap between him and his wife. It was about time he made her realize that.
She gasped when he moved abruptly, not so gently throwing her over his shoulder as he went up the stairs right next to them. Grasping what was happening, ChiChi stared at the ground underneath them shocked for a moment, before she started to pound his back. "Goku, put me down! What are you doing?!"
He didn't answer her. Instead going to the first room he came to on the right (knowing it wasn't Mr. and Mrs. Briefs) he almost broke the door off of its hinges in his haste. She gave a startled shriek when he tossed her onto the bed, staring up at him first in shock and anger. But then her own hunger overcame her as she saw the way he stood before her, his intent glinting in his eyes and that small smile of amusement on his lips. This man. She recognized this one. It had been a long time since she had seen this man fully. The last time had been when Gohan was a baby and since then only in little glimpses. Tiny hints here and there. She found herself trembling, not from fear, but from excitement at the way his dark eyes fell on her in that predatory fashion. The way he looked at her, she felt like she was the only woman in the world. Kami, how she had missed that feeling!
It startled her, her own lust surging forth. She knew she should be angry, or those voices, that viper, and its poison that coated her mind, told her she should be angry. That he was just being a man, trying to show his dominance, and that he was proving nothing by this. But she ignored them for the first time in ages, for once tired of those suspicious voices that had been there since her mother's terrible death. They were wrong this time. Goku had always said more with his body than any words could, and right now she knew, just knew that this was his way of telling her that he wanted only her.
He didn't move. Just stared at her. As if waiting for some cue as he loomed there at the end of the bed, his own body shaking. She could feel his ki, it was flickering off him in waves, and she realized he was fighting himself. Fighting something she couldn't begin to imagine, all for her.
Memories flashed in her head. Moments during the past five years when she had seen this other side of him, had seen this raw need for her in the seclusion of their own bedroom. Here he was able to let go, show another side of himself, that animalistic passionate side that no one but her got to see. She recognized that now. The Briefs... Bulma, they may have known of that other side he never let her see until they had come here, but this... this dark moment that always made her shiver with anticipation of his touch, his kisses? This was solely hers. It was there all along, wasn't it? In everything he did... But those insecure voices that dominated her life never let her see this, or understand it, had they? What else had she failed to see? Her husband was far from the simple man most people saw him as (she had known that better than anyone) so why had she forgotten -no, ignored these moments? These deliciously thrilling moments that were strictly hers and his?
ChiChi hastily pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind, deciding she didn't care anymore that she was supposed to be mad at him. She wanted him. Wanted to feel him connected to her in the most basic way a man and a woman could be. She wanted to know that he was still hers and only hers. That no matter what happened that wouldn't change. If this connection still stood strong then they could survive anything. Besides, anger had no place here. Not in this bedroom, or any bedroom for that matter. And certainly not in this, this wonderful moment that was only theirs.
She was fed up with waiting for this to straighten out on its own. But more so, she was frustrated with the barriers and walls they had put up within their relationship. Sprawled on the foreign bed, staring up at the animal in the man she loved, she knew that the only thing that would help destroy those walls and barriers would be moments like right here, right now. She needed to touch him just as much as she needed him to touch her. To know he was still hers, to really know that these moments meant as much to him as they did to her. So without any further delay she got onto her knees, slowly making her way to the edge of the bed and grasped his shirt, pulling him down for another kiss.
He remained unmoving other than returning her chaste kiss until her tongue sought the haven of his mouth, running along the bottom ridge of his lip, silently imploring for entrance. The simple action was like a key in a cage, releasing the contained animal from within her husband as his hands moved up, tracing the skin of her arms and neck before he came to the sides of her head. The restraint he usually showed wavering with her soft airy moan and he squeezed her closer to him. His hands moved from her face to weave back into her hair, trying to angle her head, to seek that perfect position that would allow him to take complete control of both of their actions. His lips crushed against hers, his tongue demanding, but she stood her ground, not allowing him to take control, ChiChi needing to know this was a partnership not a dictatorship of only a lusty man.
She let go of his shirt as they both softened into the kiss, their shared passion stroking the bubbling fires beneath her skin that only he had ever been able to create. Her fingers trailed down, feeling his defined muscles quiver beneath small digits. Kami, how could someone be this tense? It was worrying. How could she allow him to become this tense? Was it not her job, their job as a married couple to lean on each other in trying times such as this? To confide in and tell each other their deepest fears? And their most upsetting concerns? To show each other what they were really thinking, even if they wore masks for the rest of the world?
She silenced the voices as she moaned into the kiss, losing herself to the same pulsing feelings she always did in his arms. This time was different though. She knew that, could feel that. The dark passion that always hid there, beneath the surface was still there (how could it not be?), but there was a hint of desperation on both of their accounts now. A need to show the other that there was no one else, and that there could (would) never be anyone else. His hands tightened into her hair, and his kisses became more insistent. More demanding of her. He dominated, but he encouraged as well, understanding her need for this to be an equal, shared experience. She flattened her hands on his stomach before traveling the path back up. Moving over the familiar muscles that always caused her to ache when she thought about how lucky she was to have a husband this... this... handsome.
Her hands made their way back to his strong, sturdy shoulders, passing over his racing heartbeat that matched hers and ChiChi grabbed the shoulders of his orange gi, yanking them down. The need to feel his skin against hers was overwhelming as that ancient pulse began to beat more urgently within her, one that pounded with pure desire, raw need. When the fabric reached his elbows, she tugged with frustration and groaned her aggravation into his kiss as she realized the cloth would go no further. Goku, sensing her new irritation, pulled back from the kiss. His hands covered her own as he helped her with removing the offending article of clothing before reaching back up, running his fingers through her silken black hair. A part of her that had not changed in texture since the first time he had touched it back when they were children.
"ChiChi... I'm sorry," he watched his rough hands as he spoke, amazed by how soft her hair was and fighting to find the right words. Words he knew needed to be said even if the only thing his mind was doing was screaming at him to claim this woman. Make her his own again. "I shouldn't have kep-"
She groaned softly at his unnecessary words, her body throbbing with the need for action. "Will you shut up and love me?"
She barely saw the smirk -that dangerous smirk that always drove her mad- grace his lips before they crushed against hers in another consuming kiss. Her hands went under the blue shirt, her fingers found those familiar lines and scars, the same ones she had traced countless times before, still finding delight in the way his muscles moved and twitched. He gave a throaty growl, excited by the way she caressed him and he leaned further into the kiss, only breaking apart momentarily when she yanked his shirt off.
Still smiling at her passionate words as they pulled away, he tugged at the belt that held her own gi top on before throwing it uncaringly behind him. A soft pleasant moan escaped her as his hands reached past the neck of the top, seeking the heat of her flesh, needing to feel the soft skin that amazed him each and every time he touched it. It was so different than his own, even though ChiChi was a fighter like him. There were no scars. No roughness. No hard bulkiness of muscle like his. Just soft skin covering firm, pliant flesh. His hand moved down, searching, lightly -and leisurely- brushing across her breasts before growing impatient with the restraining clothing. His hand came out, forcing the gi off of her shoulders and tossing that too behind him when he succeeded in taking it off.
He began trailing kisses down her jaw and to her neck as his hands grasped the bottom of her undershirt. He slowly brought it up over her head before kissing her shoulder, tasting her flesh. Kami, the taste of her was making him hotter and hotter, boiling over with need to devour her whole. She shivered and moaned as he kissed the sensitive pulse at the base of her throat and at the sound he let out a primitive growl. His mouth sought hers again as his hands moved around her back, the need to free her of the last restriction of her upper half fervent. With years spent working the bothersome material, he was able to easily release the clasp at the back and without breaking the kiss threw it from her.
ChiChi's breath caught in her throat as his callused hands finally caressed the sensitive flesh of her breasts, taking them into his palms and cupping them fully. With the pad of his thumb, he softly caressed, teasing. She shakily released the air in her lungs, air which he swiftly stole away from her before breaking the kiss. He took a few racing heartbeats to simply look down at her lust laden gaze, getting a satisfied jolt that only hardened him more. Smiling at her response to his touch, his eyes shifted to her breasts with ferocious hunger as he lowered his head to her body, taking the taut rosy bud into his mouth. She jerked. Tingling sensations spanned throughout her body, making her thighs feel weak and her body shiver, and she grasped onto his broad shoulders before seeking his untamable hair.
His mouth continued its torture on her body as she let out soft sighs of delight as his kissing. Nipping. Teasing. He sought those soft moans of hers, sounds that brought him closer to the brink of losing all control of himself. His fingers spanned her back, holding her up until she could remain kneeling no more and he knelt as she sat back with her legs bent on either side of her. He looked up at her, never ceasing his pleasurable manipulations of her body. The sight of her, eyes closed, head thrown back in wanton ecstasy -the image alone was what shoved him over that edge of control. Before he could realize his actions, he had kissed her mouth forcefully as he picked her up, wrapped her legs around him and laid them on the bed. His body pressed into hers as he hovered over her, his kisses awakening the burning urge she had to touch every inch of his skin, to remind herself that yes he was real, and yes, he was hers. Both of their movements were erratic with need as their hands moved, feeling and stroking, stoking that fire that burned deep within.
The heat of his bare chest radiated into hers, and ChiChi sighed into Goku's kisses. Melting into the mattress beneath her as her body hummed with delight. She cradled his waist between her knees, feeling the proof of his desire pressing through his gi pants and into her stomach. He shifted, moving so that his hands framed her head, allowing her to take control as she saw fit. Boldened by his obvious desire and her own feelings coursing through her, she moved her hands from his chest to his back, small fingers trailing down the firm muscles of his back, pulling him closer to her as she locked her legs around him.
With her squeezing him closer, feeling the core of her body and the warmth there, he let out an impatient groan and tore himself off of her, standing. She raised herself onto her elbows, watching him as he untied his gi pants only to realize his boots were still on. Her brow rose as he jumped from foot to foot trying to get them off, only for her to chuckle softly, recalling that he had done the same thing their wedding night. Goku stopped after finally getting one boot off, holding it in his hand as he looked at her puzzled, then gave a boyish smirk. Dangerous. That was the only word she could think that described the subtle dark and yet overall innocent look.
The pause gave his body the much needed time to steady and he dropped the one boot, swiftly yanking the other off before stepping out of his pants and boxers. Bed dipping with his weight, he knelt, crawling back to her. He reached for her remaining clothing -those blue gi pants and her simple white panties she always wore beneath, ones with that pink bow right at the top- and pulled them off, tossing them carelessly away before moving back into the waiting cradle of her legs. Keeping himself propped up on his left elbow, his fingers touched the side of her face, caressing down and then back up as he stared into her brown eyes. He leaned down, kissing her more gently than before, angling the tip of himself at her entrance and slowly starting to ease into the welcoming heat.
"Wait," ChiChi said softly, putting her hands on his chest.
Worried that he had read her wrong this whole time he reared up, looking at her with panic. She gave him a small smile, showing that everything was alright before using her strength to flip them, changing positions so that she was on top of him, straddling his hips. Goku's eyes widened briefly with surprise, but then darkened to smoldering pools of lust and understanding. ChiChi needed this. Needed to be in charge for once, they both knew that. Angling her hips, she positioned herself before finally lowering herself onto him, both drawing slow breaths with the action.
She leaned down, kissing him, allowing time for her to adjust before slowly rolling her hips and staring to move. It was not entirely new, this position, but to ChiChi it sure did feel new. None of those other times had she allowed herself the chance to really direct their rhythm and movements when making love -since she usually found great delight in submitting. But not tonight. Right now. Right now she needed this. She needed to dominate, to feel in control in something this intimate between the two of them. Resting her hands on Goku's broad strong chest, lifting herself partly off of him. When she heard her lover groan she grew bolder, her movements more dramatic, faster.
When his hands came to her hips she allowed him to help her, changing the pace ever-so-slightly to match his thrust, but still allocating to her control. With their moving bodies, the friction of their flesh rubbing together created a fiery volcano of heat between them. Goku's hands moved from her hips, hands exploring her body, finding the spots he knew would bring her closer to the brink of release. Her pants became low moans, soft groans that had him half smiling as he kept a careful hold on his own release.
ChiChi felt that familiar ball of heat growing, expanding inside her and her movements grew more erratic. Goku clenched his teeth, forcing himself not to give in to the temptation of letting himself go. The warmth of the ball at the center of her being grew hotter, the warmth spilling into her lips and her movements became even faster. Sensing her coming release, his hands went to the junction of her thighs, pressing his thumbs just beside her hip bones. The reaction was almost instantaneous as her core compressed around him, light exploding behind her eyes, heat flashing out from her center and going to all of her extremities. She froze from the pleasure that surged through her, her head rearing back, letting out a loud moan and he continued the movement for her, taking control and dragging her release out. Panting, she relaxed over him, then moved, kissing his jaw. Small little pecks.
He allowed her to catch her breath before swiftly flipping them back over, moving slowly as he sought to build up that ball of heat in her once more. With Krillin and Piccolo chased away by Bulma and Gohan with the elder Briefs he had the rest of the evening with his warrior woman and he was going to use every minute, every second he could to show her how much she meant to him.
Krillin landed on the Briefs' back lawn an hour or so before sunset, hesitantly looking around. "That's odd. I'm sure I felt his ki spike..."
Glancing around, he searched out his friend's ki, finding it more-or-less calm. Or rather calmer than what it had been or calmer than when he was gearing up for a fight. He looked up at the second floor, sensing Goku up there. Should I? It could be nothing but a minor dispute. Everyone had felt the tension between him and ChiChi. Scratching the back of his bald head, Krillin contemplated peeking through the window just in case. Goku's ki still was off, and Krillin would feel horrible if something bad happened to him.
His curiosity getting the better of him, he shrugged and muttered to himself as he lifted off the ground, floating up to it, "I'll just take a small look just to make sure. Can't hurt any-" His voice froze in his throat at the sight the bedroom window gave him and he reddened.
"HolydragonGokuballs," his words merged together as he lost control of his ability to fly, falling to the grass with a loud 'oof'.
Getting over his shock, he chuckled, embarrassed. "Well, looks like they are going to be... okay." He wasn't sure he could say the same thing for himself, the image forever scarring his mind. Jeez, ChiChi sure is flex... Oh crap, I should not be thinking that. He closed his eyes and shook his head. Definitely shouldn't be thinking that.
Hearing a clicking sound, his eyes opened, startled. Had he been caught? Oh Kami, kill him now. He looked up at the window, relaxing when he found it closed and no one standing before it. But what was that soun- His answer came swiftly as water sprayed his face and he sputtered, trying to block his face. When the water didn't stop, he stumbled to his feet only to hear another click and water began to spray him from behind. Floating up into the air, he wiped his face and eyes, then looked, clothes dripping wet. The sprinklers. Go-figure. He shook his head, giving a tired sigh before taking off and heading back to his perverted, old master's home, knowing it was best lest something else happened.
A couple hours later found Goku sitting at the Briefs' kitchen table in only his gi bottoms as his fork scrapped against the glass plate. He was unable to shovel in the microwave re-heated food into his mouth fast enough, famished as he was from his recent... exertions. While the microwave-blasted food probably didn't taste as good as it would have the first time around, it surpassed his expectations of Bulma's usual cooking, and the smell alone was enough to set his taste buds crying out for more. Bulma must have gotten help from Bunny. He speared a hunk of meat loaf, drenched in ketchup and put it in his mouth before noticing ChiChi pushing her own food around her plate, seemingly without noticing it. Her shoulders were hunched forward, brow creased in thought as she sat next to him dressed completely, and yet she was missing the belt to her gi that left it gaping open to her undershirt and her hair was free. The overall look generated was one of comfort and a relaxed attitude far different than her normal stringent one, making her seem like she was still that carefree eighteen year old he had married. Well, if not for her troubled frown. Pausing in chewing, he gave her a worried and confused look. She had eaten multiple bites and had even commented on how good it was herself. So why stop now?
He decided to ask, "What's wrong?" Only it came out more like Wa wrng? with his mouth as full as it was.
Cringing, ChiChi shook her head and peeked at him through her eyelashes, her expression becoming amused and smoothing the worried lines that had just been creasing her forehead. "One thing I wish you had been only pretending to do is talking with your mouth full. Really Goku, you're a grown man."
Goku blushed, quickly chewing and swallowing before scratching the back of his head, bashfully, but honestly saying, "I'm sorry... I always forget the food's there."
She blinked at him. "You forget about food?"
He shrugged, looking down at his meal as he scooped up some of the baked potato and plopped it into his mouth. Chewing, he wondered why himself. He couldn't rightfully explain it. Bulma had once said that it was because when his brain found something interesting or urgent he tended to focus solely on it. But thinking his wife was still upset with Bulma, he decided it best not to mention her theories
ChiChi smiled, returning to her meal and forked a broccoli. Before putting the green head into her mouth, however, she paused, looking at it and softly said, "I need to apologize to her."
Startled, Goku swallowed his next bite of meatloaf without chewing and coughed as the big chunk threatened to stick in his windpipe. He lodged it free, fortunately, and took a large gulp of water to soothe the burn in his throat before he spoke, "You... want to apologize? To Bulma?"
"Who else would I be apologizing to?" ChiChi's face soured, not liking that he was so amazed by her admission, but then let it go, knowing that she could be rather thick headed when angry with someone. A trait she was trying to rid herself of. She sighed. "Yes, I want to apologize to her. She may... get into things that are not her business, but she has not been anything but nice to me since we came here and... We did need tonight."
He smiled. A lazy toothy grin stretching from ear to ear. It was her turn to blush as she glanced over at him, seeing that mischievous glint in his eyes and his huge smile. She covered up her reddening face by finally eating the buttery green vegetable on her fork. Chewing slowly, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips. While she was still hurt by his blunder of not being himself with her all this time, that hurt had dampened to a small trickle in the back of her mind. Oh, the viper and its poisoned thoughts were still there, whispering to her, warning her. But for once she felt completely connected to her husband even outside of the bedroom. There were things they still had to address, but that could wait until Earth wasn't being threatened. They did agree, though, no more keeping things from each other, and, no more fighting! Oh, and that Goku could come back to the bedroom at night instead of sleeping on the couch. That was a must.
They spent the rest of the meal exactly like how they started it, her asking questions and Goku answering truthfully... no matter how difficult that was for him. Needless to say, ChiChi found herself speechless more-often-than-not. Her husband was no genius like Bulma and Dr. Briefs, but he was not stupid. Far from it. He knew some calculus, something that she refused to believe until he showed her an equation, then explained it to her (and she actually understood it!). It wasn't that much, but it was still more than what she knew... But then given whom his teacher was it really shouldn't have been a surprise. Other than that, Goku knew his history best, able to recall dates and names off the top of his head. But truthfully, it was his rather deep lines of thought that truly rattled her (that and how he did focus on one thing and only one thing at a time). Her husband was not blind, nor was he ignorant, and it amazed... no, floored her how much more he actually saw than her sometimes. Then again, he also admitted that he could see better than her, something that was probably a Saiyan trait. Another Saiyan trait he admitted to was his super hearing, and that her yelling -and loud noises in general- hurt his ears, which was why he ignored her at times. He had grown accustomed to tuning her out to protect himself, which she had frowned upon discovering, but smiled when he looked at her for reassurance.
When she promised to not yell, Goku simply smiled, took her hand and told her to never change. He loved all of her, even her faults. They were what made her distinctly her. And never did he ever want that to change. Or rather he said something along those lines... If she had not been sitting ChiChi would have gone weak in the knees. Sappy or not, having him say that to her really did a number on her heart as it fluttered in her chest. How? How had she been so lucky to gain the love of this man? A Saiyan man at that. From what she could tell from Vegeta and Bardock, Goku's race was not that affectionate or sentimental.
With watery eyes, she squeezed his hand and laughed lightly. "Fine... I will try not to yell as much." She lost the amusement in her voice, saddening somewhat. "Why did you never tell me? I never wanted to hurt you, Goku."
"I know." He shrugged as he let go of her hand and rose to his feet, stacking plates and silverware. "I didn't know I could hear better than..." He paused in his movements, about to say humans, but disliked how he was no longer considered one and instead said, "Others... for a long time and after I found out I could I did not know why."
Without another word he took a few stacks of plates to the counter next to the sink and started to fill the sink with water for a quick rinse before they could be put into the twin dish washers. ChiChi could only remain where she was, partially up on her feet as she had been in the motion of getting up when Goku began to clean the dishes! She couldn't believe it. Okay, so he was putting them in the dishwashers, but he was clearing the table without her having to pester him, let alone ask him. Even when she used to nag at him he would have complained or managed to escape doing them somehow (a sign, she realized now, of his hidden intellect). Never in her wildest dreams had she ever thought of Goku capable of doing a task as mundane as the dishes.
Slowly she finished getting to her feet and absentmindedly gathered what was left, unable to stop herself from glancing at the man who was her husband. He was still Goku, right? She shook her head, turning her attention to her actions lest she drop a plate. Yes, this was him. She simply hadn't been observant enough to notice he was hiding himself behind a mask even in front of her. She stopped. The pain kindled again and the voices grew in the back of her mind. No, I need to stop thinking about this. The last thing she wanted was to ruin this openness with Goku, and she hastily shoved the poisonous thoughts from her mind as she picked up what was left and brought it over to him.
"Where is Bulma?" ChiChi asked, bending to put a few plates in the second dish washer (seeing as the first one was almost full already). Her guilt surfaced, and she straightened, looking at him as he stood on the other side of the open dishwashers. "You... you don't think she's still crying do you?"
Goku paused, tilting his head in a way that told her he was feeling out ki. The sudden frown that appeared on his face felt like a stone dropping in the pit of her stomach. He shook his head, thinking about something as he continued putting what was left of the dishes away, avoiding her gaze. "She's not crying."
Confused, she watched him for a few minutes, waiting for him to elaborate as to why he was upset then. Because he was, that she could easily see. But no explanation was forthcoming, confusing her. As he closed the first washer and moved onto hers, she asked, "Then what's wrong, Goku?" As if she interrupted his thoughts, he shook his head, looking at her. She could see the concern in his eyes. "What is it?"
He sighed, putting the last plate in the second dishwasher and she closed it. "She's still in Vegeta's room."
"Oh." Her nose crinkled. "I don't understand why she is being so friendly to that man... He is so rude to everyone, especially her."
Goku started moving for the stairs that led up to their collective rooms and she followed him. "That's just her, ChiChi. And... and Vegeta can't help but be what the universe shaped him into."
Hearing the undertone of pity and even respect there in his voice, made her pause both in step and the negative thoughts about the abrasive man. Then she realized he knew more about Vegeta than he had told her that day he showed Bardock the Briefs. "I know he was taken at Gohan's age, but does that really justify how he acts?"
Goku stopped at the top of the stairs, staring at the carpet, then looked at her as she stepped next to him. The shadow that crossed his eyes... scared ChiChi, and she was suddenly afraid of what he was going to say next. "ChiChi, he was given to a tyrant as a warrior slave. Forced to serve and kill. He was beaten within an inch of his life if he disobeyed." His gaze shifted down the hallway. "Bardock told me Vegeta was even punished when he did nothing wrong simply for Freeza's enjoyment. And..." He stopped talking and she noticed his shoulders trembling, the way he clenched his fists.
She reached out, grabbing his arm. "Goku, what is it?"
"When Vegeta had that fever and was hallucinating... before I woke him he was dreaming. I saw the dream. I lived it, ChiChi. I was him for those horrible minutes when they were experimenting on him and put the chip in his head." He refused to look at her as her grip tightened, startled by this revelation. "I know I would never have never been able to survive something like that, ChiChi."
Gently brushing the side of his head, she whispered softly, "You don't know that..."
His gaze snapped to hers, the anger and certainty she saw in his face frightened her. "I do."
"That still doesn't give him free rein to do as he wants..."
Relaxing, somewhat, he sighed. "No, but he doesn't know how to be anything else. And from my understanding the Vegeta we are seeing is tame compared to the one Bardock knew five years ago."
She gave a fake chuckle hesitantly, "Tame? This is tame?"
Goku nodded. "Come on." He started to walk down the hallway, pulling her along simply because she was holding his arm.
Together they stopped at the door, from underneath light flashed and they could hear the TV from within. Grasping the handle, Goku turned it and pushed the door open. The sight that greeted them... certainly wasn't the one she expected. With her husband tensing next to her, she knew it wasn't the one he had expected either. The TV light flickered, the movie was a darker one and in the pale ghostly light it illuminated Vegeta sleeping on his back with an equally asleep Bulma next to him, using his chest as a pillow. That perhaps wasn't as startling as the fact that Vegeta actually had his arm around her, making it look like he was holding her to him.
"Well, that is disturbingly... cute," ChiChi whispered, not wanting to wake them. A woman screamed on the TV screen and she glanced at it, puzzled. "What are they watching anyway?"
"Bulma's favorite collection of movies and documentaries," Goku muttered, his own gaze glancing to the TV, "It is mostly videos from the Lost Era they found in the ice. I think this one is something about Jack the Ripper..."
ChiChi looked sideways at her husband, then back at the TV before settling on Bulma and Vegeta. Seeing that Bulma had no blanket covering her (and unable to help the mother side of herself), ChiChi moved, going to the hallway closet and grabbed another blanket. Returning, she passed her husband who was frowning worriedly at the sight of the two and she walked silently into the room. Carefully she covered Bulma up, before going to the TV and turning it off. She pushed Goku, lightly with her hand on his chest as she went to close the door, forcing him back into the hallway.
"I'll apologize to her tomorrow, let them sleep." Seeing his look, she grabbed his arm and pulled him after her. He obeyed reluctantly, going down the stairs with her. Leading him into the living room, she stopped before the couch and pushed him back, forcing him to sit before joining him. "Now tell me, what was with that look, Goku? I admit, it was surprising to see them like that, but nothing to cause alarm. At least not until they wake up..." she added, somewhat amused.
"He likes her," he stated simply, not looking at her.
She blinked, unsure of what to say. "Really? From all that's happened I would say he puts up with her, not that he likes her. And what kind of like to do you mean? The friendly like or..." When his dark gaze met hers, her voice trailed off. "Okay... so he likes her. Why is that an issue? Maybe it will help him settle down and find a new way to live."
"Bardock suspects as much, and so do I. I'm not worried about Vegeta, though. I may feel sorry for him, but I'm more worried about Bulma, and Vegeta hurting her."
"I see..." ChiChi frowned at him, then shook her head. "No, no I don't. Goku, Bulma's a grown woman, she can handle herself and whatever mess she gets herself into. Besides, she's a genius. I doubt she is going to be stupid enough to let anything like that happen between them."
He gave grunt, folding his arms and leaning back, trying to relax. "I'll always worry about her because she is my older sister, ChiChi. I can't help it any more than me worrying about you or Gohan's safety."
Starting to understand him a little better and his concern, ChiChi felt her guilt go up again because she realized she had been jealous just seconds before. Maybe even this whole time. There was nothing between Goku and Bulma. They were family, simple as that. She rubbed his leg, wanting to say what he wanted and needed, but she didn't know what to say so they sat in silence for a few minutes.
She opened her mouth, only to close it when Goku spoke up first, "I'm just worried, Chich, with her past relationships and choice of men in general being as bad as they are, she doesn't need another one. And normally I would still stay clear because she is a grown woman, but..."
"But what?" she asked, squeezing his leg.
"But I can't shake this feeling that something bad is going to happen to her."
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